December 24, 2019

TeamSpeak - Badge list

Name: TeamSpeak Addon Author (Creator of TeamSpeak Addons​)

GUID: 1cb07348–34a4–4741-b50f-c41e584370f7

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: 30.06.2017​)

Create addon for TeamSpeak.

Name: Gamescom 2016 (Registered during Gamescom 2016​)

GUID: 50bbdbc8–0f2a-46eb-9808–602225b49627

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: 30.06.2017​)

Registration during Gamescom 2016.

Name: Paris Games Week 2016 (Registered during Paris Games Week 2016​)

GUID: d95f9901-c42d-4bac-8849–7164fd9e2310

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: 30.06.2017​)

Registered during Paris Games Week 2016.

Name: Gamescom 2014 (Registered at Gamescom 2014​)

GUID: 62444179–0d99–42ba-a45c-c6b1557d079a

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: 30.06.2017​)

Registration during Gamescom 2014.

Name: Paris Games Week 2014 (Registered at Paris Games Week 2014​)

GUID: d95f9901-c42d-4bac-8849–7164fd9e2310

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: 30.06.2017​)

Registered during Paris Games Week 2014.

Name: TeamSpeak Addon Developer (Bronze) (Creator of at least 1 TeamSpeak Addon)

GUID: 450f81c1-ab41–4211-a338–222fa94ed157

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: unlimited​)

Create one addon for TeamSpeak.

Name: TeamSpeak Addon Developer (Silver) (Creator of at least 3 TeamSpeak Addons​)

GUID: c9e97536–5a2d-4c8e-a135-af404587a472

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: unlimited​)

Create three addons for TeamSpeak.

Name: TeamSpeak Addon Developer (Gold) (Creator of at least 5 TeamSpeak Addons​)

GUID: 94ec66de-5940–4e38-b002–970df0cf6c94

Badge code: Auto assign (Available until: unlimited​)

Create five addons for TeamSpeak.

Name: Gamescom 2017 (Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 2017​)

GUID: 534c9582-ab02–4267-aec6–2d94361daa2a

Badge code: DK9JGRJH1Q (Available until: 01.09.2017​​)

Visit TeamSpeak stand at Gamescom 2017, or use the public code.

Name: Gamescom Hero 2017 (Gaming Hero at Gamescom 2017​)

GUID: 34dbfa8f-bd27–494c-aa08-a312fc0bb240

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 29.08.2017​)

Need to play at the TeamSpeak stand at Gamescom 2017.

Name: MIFCOM (MIFCOM | Entered Performance​)

GUID: 7d9fa2b1-b6fa-47ad-9838-c239a4ddd116

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 31.12.2017​)

Need to buy something in their store.

Name: 4Netplayers (4Netplayers customer​)

GUID: f81ad44d-e931–47d1-a3ef-5fd160217cf8

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

Buying TeamSpeak server in their store.

Name: Rocket Beans TV (Rocket Beans TV Community​)

GUID: f22c22f1–8e2d-4d99–8de9-f352dc26ac5b

Badge code: RWGE2NURJZ (Available until: unlimited)

Public company code RBTV.

Name: TeamSpeak Jedi (myTeamSpeak early adopter​)

GUID: 64221fd1–706c-4bb2-ba55–996c39effa79

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 30.09.2018​)

MyTeamSpeak account holders until May 2018.
The code will be sent to the email that you used to register myTeamSpeak account — if you are subscribed to the news, and you will have about 6 months to activate the code.

Name: Official TeamSpeak Gamer (New myTeamSpeak member​)

GUID: c3f823eb-5d5c-40f9–9dbd-3437d59a539d

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 30.09.2018​)

MyTeamSpeak account registration after may 2018.

Name: E3 2018 — Winner (Discovered at E3 2018​)

GUID: 935e5a2a-954a-44ca-aa7a-55c79285b601

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 31.12.2018​​)

Participation is likely to win at E3 2018.

Name: Gamescom 2018 (Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 2018​)

GUID: 4eef1ecf-a0ea-423d-bfd0–496543a00305

Badge code: 8CXB49KPJ4 (Available until: 01.09.2018)

Visit TeamSpeak stand at Gamescom 2018, or use the public code.

Name: Gamescom 2018 player (Gamescom Exclusive Gaming Hero 2018)

GUID: 24512806-f886–4440-b579–9e26e4219ef6

Badge code: BJCFQBU53C (Available until: 01.09.2018)

You need to play at the TeamSpeak stand at Gamescom 2018, or use the public code.

Name: Found Tim Speak​ (Found Tim Speak at Gamescom 2018​)

GUID: b9c7d6ad-5b99–40fb-988c-1d02ab6cc130

Badge code: XJN4WJZEJN (Available until: 01.09.2018)

You need to find the Tim Speak talisman and take a selfie with it, or use the public code.

Name: TeamSpeak Merch Badge (TeamSpeak Merch Owner — 1st Edition​)

GUID: 6b187e83–873b-46b0-b2c2-a31af15e76a4

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 31.10.2018​​​)

It was necessary to buy something in the first batch of goods of the official TeamSpeak store.

Name: Valentim’s day (Valentim’s Day 2019​)

GUID: 4b0fd4f5-d456–4294–973d-853a1db5c7d8

Badge code: 5Q52W3VM1T (Available until: 17.02.2019​​​​)

Distribution in TeamSpeak social networks.

Name: TeamSpeak Competition Winner Badge​ (TeamSpeak Competition Winner​)

GUID: 9cd152a7-bf65–4ece-aeba-62d27678f79a

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 31.03.2019​​​​)

Beta TeamSpeak 5 winner.

Name: TeamSpeak Merch Badge 2.0 (TeamSpeak Merch Owner — 2nd Edition)

GUID: 22b9ec39–7694–453e-864c-dfc7b1b0d7c7

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

Need to buy something in the second batch of goods from the official TeamSpeak store.

Name: Time Machine​ (Worked like a machine to update addons in super-quick time​)

GUID: 904e232c-f369–44db-87f7–5142e15620cc​

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 30.09.2019​)

Quickly upgrade TeamSpeak addons to API 23.

Name: Met Tim​ (Met Tim Speak IRL​)

GUID: 87ccf9ea-67c9–45e5-adbc-77e210e6128a​

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

A similar icon on Found Tim Speak — which was previously called, you can get it by meeting this hero and talk with him.

Name: Test (Testing, Testing​)

GUID: c2368518–3728–4260-bcd1–8b85e9f8984c

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: 31.12.2019​)

The badge is automatically added to the profile when the beta tester code is activated (the code is sent to the mail if you entered the beta test program, or have time to take it when distributing it on TeamSpeak social networks).

Name: Sponsorship License​ (Sponsored by TeamSpeak​)

GUID: ef567ec5-f46e-4520-be07–6021023cf6bd​

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

Become a TeamSpeak Partner.

Name: Gamescom 2019 (Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 2019​)

GUID: b82a45a5-b235–4926-be77-de102222e5eb

Badge code: PNKCB76VZ8 (Available until: 01.09.2019​)

Visit TeamSpeak stand at Gamescom 2019, or use the public code.

Name: Tim-o’-Lantern (Mwuhaahaahaahaahaa​)

GUID: 4086a249-a503–4f31–9e83–8a0a8e3089bd

Badge code: JQGCTAQWHT (Available until: 04.10.2019​)

Distribution in TeamSpeak social networks.

Name: Happy Holidays 2019​ (Happy holidays from everyone at TeamSpeak!​)

GUID: de7bd960-eb02–47e1–9ce2-a44f6e255d8f​

Badge code: QTL3MXJZGN (Available until: 31.12.2019​)

Distribution in TeamSpeak social networks.

Name: Bug Catcher (I found a bug!​)

GUID: d6062d9c-42a3–49c9–91dd-8c43a5a46805​

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

Find the error in the TeamSpeak 5 client.

Name: Bright Idea​ (TeamSpeak took my idea on board​)

GUID: cbf5aafd-2554–4053–80bb-0cf82ec0a430​

Badge code: One-time code (Available until: unlimited)

Come up with an idea for the TeamSpeak 5 client, and get his approval.

Name: Merry Christmas 2019​ (It’s the most wonderful Tim of the Year)

GUID: ed85bdff-2a2b-4bea-a1a5–4d06fcc0d776​

Badge code: 5TN1PV1HHS (Available until: 31.12.2019)

Distribution in TeamSpeak social networks.

  • SVG badge version (suffix: .svg)
  • PNG badge version (suffix: _16.png)
  • Detailed SVG badge version (suffix: _details.svg)
  • Detailed PNG badge version (suffix: _64.svg)